[CUBE] The Return of the CUBE???

david sarcastix david at sarcastix.com
Thu Nov 13 09:46:26 PST 2003


Golly, I was writing this at about 2 a.m. And I completely forgot about the


And for $799 it's got a LOT of nice features. A 1ghz G4. Built in 56k modem.
It's all there. It needs more memory though. But no wonder eMac owners are

Okay, but I've heard the world is clamoring for a 'headless' iMac, right?

Something BELOW an eMac or maybe about the same price.  The benefits would
be that you could hook up an existing monitor, and it would be somewhat user
upgradeable.  So the user could put in more ram, or a drive, like the
original CUBE.

Just a thought.  I bet that SJOBS STILL wants a CUBE in the family. He just
has to offer one at a friendly price.  I love my cube and I think that
another one would be swell.

But, I don't think that anything exactly like the CUBE will ever come along.

David Sarcastix


Nicolas11/13/03 6:05 AMndk at nbnet.nb.ca

> Todd Masco wrote:
>> David wrote:
>>> I think it's possible that Apple might finally offer an under $999
>>> computer.
>> Apple does offer one.  The eMac starts at $799.
>> http://www.apple.com/emac/
>>     -- Todd
> Still, 400$ PCs are commonplace with great performance. But hey, that's
> fine, Apple isn't interested in increasing its market share, or is it?
> Nicolas

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