[CUBE] The Return of the CUBE???

Benjamin Ing vbing at mac.com
Fri Nov 14 16:06:35 PST 2003

On Nov 14, 2003, at 3:01 PM, Todd Masco wrote:

> There already is one, sort of  - it's called a TiVo. Series 2 and 
> later TiVos have USB ports that take ethernet or 802.11b/g (airport) 
> adaptors.

I know all about it, I already own two and use the 3 or 4 Macs in the 
house to serve them. ( I have AAC on the Cube to sync with the iPod and 
an MP3 mirror on a B&W to serve the TiVo). I also serve iPhoto to the 
TiVo's. Now, if I could just figure out how to offload video on the 
TiVo to a VCD, or how to easily my eyeTV play directly to the TV ...

> Anyway, it seems like this is Apple's answer to the television - find 
> a kick-ass consumer electronics unit and partner with them as a part 
> of the digital hub.

Unfortunately, since TiVo looks to be moving more towards licensing and 
away from building hardware, it really isn't much of an answer for 

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