I wanted thank in public a whole bunch of people who helped me to get my new flat screen up and running successfully. Firstly and lastly - thanks to Laurie in NY, who FedEx-ed me the necessary video card that made it all possible. She has also been patient with my being new to the cube scene beyond and above anything anyone could expect. Thanks Laurie for rescuing me in the hour of need. I could not have stood life on that pc for another day! :) Anyway, thanks are due, too, to John Allen in the UK, Lyle, and many others who urged me to stick with it until finding the right card and trouble-shooting long enough to get it to work. I also want to especially thank Michal the Milkman, who selflessly offered to go with me to a south Bay tech to make sure I was getting a suitable card (which wasn't going to happen at that place), and who even offered to come to my cube to install it! At any rate, thanks to all; this list and the cube-owner website are invaluable fonts of information. I hope to get to meet some of you in person one day... Martha in California