[CUBE] Fast User Switching

Chip Everts chipeverts at mac.com
Sat Nov 29 14:35:19 PST 2003

Only works with Quartz Extreme capable Macs. But that 3-D thing has got 
enough "wow" to it that it makes finally upgrading my video card very 
tempting! : ) I use an eMac at work and I sure get a lot of "Wows" when 
I show off that feature as well as Exposé.
 From http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/quartzextreme/ :

Quartz Extreme Requirements
Quartz Extreme functionality is supported by the following video GPUs: 
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX, or GeForce4 Ti or any 
AGP-based ATI RADEON GPU. A minimum of 16MB VRAM is required.

> On Nov 29, 2003, at 5:23 PM, Marc A. Le Pape wrote:
>> Does Panther's Fast User Switching 3D Rotating Cube feature works for 
>> everyone on this list? Just curious, because it certainly does not 
>> work on my G4 450 cube (with the stock ATI Rage 128 Pro 16MB VRAM on 
>> an AGP 2x bus) and a 17' LCD display.

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