Rod Clifford rod at eslickdesign.com
Wed Sep 24 09:55:22 PDT 2003

This feature is what prompted the question-will the basic finder still 
operate as in 10.2?
A choice of "by icon" "list" or "column view". I am not sure I could 
warm to the sidebar idea, having grown accustom to the
idea of icons and opening multiple folders to find a file (pre 
"multi-finder" era).  Rod

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 10:51  AM, John T. Folden wrote:

> On an entirely personal level, I have to say that I still dislike the 
> new Finder's Sidebar and the modification to it's browsing 
> methodology. Column View has got at least one fairly nasty limitation 
> in this new Finder. If you open a new window, viewing a folder that 
> might be six layers deep, the Finder will display as if this Folder is 
> the root of the drive... you can't simply scroll higher into the 
> directory tree like you could under previous versions. I, frankly, see 
> no benefit to this at all.

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