[CUBE] WEB Hosting through an Airport Extreme (fixed) new PowerLogix 1.35GHz

macjedi at mac.com macjedi at mac.com
Tue Apr 27 09:52:31 PDT 2004

On 4/27/04 at 7:34 AM, Bumala, Robert W <robert.w.bumala at lmco.com> did send into
the ether:

> It's actually really cool.  One week I work 9 hours Monday through Thursday,
> eight hours on Friday.  The next week I again work 9 hours Monday through 
> Thursday, and have Friday off.  I still work 80 hours in two weeks, I just do
> in 9 days.  They call it amazingly enough the 9/80 schedule.

I worked for an engineering firm many, many, many moons ago, and our weekly
schedule was 9 hours M-Thu, and 4 hours on Friday. We were out of there at 11:30
am each Friday, and it was great. Caught the Star Wars Special Edition release
and was one of only a half dozen people in the theater in the middle of the day!


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