[Cube] Airport Woes

meirion roscoe roscoe at macunlimited.net
Tue Dec 14 01:05:26 PST 2004

Sorted!  And you're not going to believe how I did it.  In fact I'm not
quite sure myself.

To make a bit of room to get at the gubbins in the cube once more, I
had to take an E-mac off my desk that had been there for a couple of
weeks while I sorted it out ready for my business.  As soon as I moved
it Voila - problem solved.  The rear of the E-mac was pointing at and
about 6 inches away from the cube.  I'm thinking that maybe there was
some unshielded Rf (CRT maybe_ emitting at a specific frequency and
disturbing the network.  The E-mac has no airport card, was not
hard-wired to the network, no peripherals shared with the cube and the
only cable out of it was the power cable to a shared socket with the

In the interests of pure science, I stuck it back on the desk and
powered up and hey-presto, lost my network.  Who would have though?
Since taking it away and boxing it up to go to the office, I have had a
steady 4 bars on my airport signal and no snags at all.  I know the
E-mac must be shielded as it can use airport itself but maybe there's
unshielded areas?  Or maybe it was down to pure jealousy on the E-macs
side of things?  Thought the cube was too damn sexy to just sit there
without getting some high-frequency abuse!!

Well there you go.  Another one to add to the list of possible fixes
for the future.

Thanks anyway you buggers - no-one answered me:-(


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