[Cube] Airport Woes

meirion roscoe roscoe at macunlimited.net
Tue Dec 14 02:36:08 PST 2004

Thought about it but couldn't work out how to do it. I'm not very 
bright I'm afraid!


On 14 Dec 2004, at 10:22, David Lambourn wrote:

> Merion,
> There's much to be said for serendipity - particularly if you can 
> organize for it!
> I would have been interested to change the frequency of Airport as a 
> way of investigating the effect of the Emac - You didn't try that did 
> you?
> David.
> On 14 Dec 2004, at 9:05, meirion roscoe wrote:
>> To make a bit of room to get at the gubbins in the cube once more, I
>> had to take an E-mac off my desk that had been there for a couple of
>> weeks while I sorted it out ready for my business.  As soon as I moved
>> it Voila - problem solved.  The rear of the E-mac was pointing at and
>> about 6 inches away from the cube.  I'm thinking that maybe there was
>> some unshielded Rf (CRT maybe_ emitting at a specific frequency and
>> disturbing the network.  The E-mac has no airport card, was not
>> hard-wired to the network, no peripherals shared with the cube and the
>> only cable out of it was the power cable to a shared socket with the
>> cube.
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