Upgrades, all over again :)

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Sun Feb 1 10:56:43 PST 2004

> I'm inspired to upgrade my Cube after the information today suggestion 
> the
> processors and video upgrades don't actually use more power. More 
> discussion
> about this please!

I'd also like some input on this. Aren't the latest revisions of the G4 
CPU supposed to draw even less power than the original 450 MHz, and 
produce _less_ heat? Or is this statement only valid if they are both 
running on the 450 MHz ;)
It is common that with the development the electronics components draw 
less power - but the reason is only so that you can pump in more MHz 
before the whole thing melts.
I'm looking at the upgrades even though I don't actually need one - the 
450 MHz processor is still completely adequate for my needs (I wonder 
if I'm the only one left with the original processor?), but if I'd gain 
anything else besides the speed with the upgrade, I might go for it.
For example, I'd trade some speed for lower temperature than the 
current 450 MHz CPU, if that isn't too much to expect.

Whoa, what a rant...but the sunday evenings in the hotel tend to be 
boring :)

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