[CUBE] Protected Zips not working on Cube

Luis Meleiro luis_meleiro at cilsp.com
Fri Feb 13 07:11:44 PST 2004

Hi there Listers,

T: Thanks for the tip. I've also tried that but with no success. My 250Mb Zip is (now) connected through (an adapter) FireWire cable. I've uninstalled/installed the latest version of Iomegaware for Mac OS X and it is working... but not for read/write protected Zip disks and neither for the 'Ipmega Active Delivery' preference pane supplied by the full installer. Have you checked it also!?

Thanks in advance,

>>> tmandesign at mac.com - 2004/02/13 15:02 PM >>>
I have found the solution. Download the most recent Iomegaware software 
and choose "uninstall" first. Once all the Iomega software is removed, 
choose "Install." Worked perfectly for me. And I am running my USB zip 
off a hub (also not supposed to work). Hope this helps others.

My laptop was running Panther also, so I knew it had to work; but 
because it wouldn't work on both my Cubes I suspected hardware. Bad 


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