[CUBE] Ailing Cube, insights please?

Rod Clifford rod at eslickdesign.com
Mon Feb 16 08:30:40 PST 2004

Probably your hard drive is beginning to fail. There are FAQ's on 
CubeOwner which describe replacing the
hard drive. Laurie might still have the QuickTime movie on the site as 
well. The visual may help. Back up data ASAP

If you car also makes those sounds, consider an inspection! :~)       

On Feb 16, 2004, at 9:54 AM, Abigail Kelly wrote:

> My cube sounds as if it has a fan(?) that is
> about to die. It is making a loud but uneven
> whirring noise. Like when you take your foot on
> and off of the gas pedal of a car. It doesn't
> seem to be affecting performance but the part is
> definitely about to quit working.

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