you're talking windows, right? it'll work if you use a crossover cable, and each have an ip address, say and, netmask of, default router of on one machine, and on the second. then you can mount the hard disk for the windows box on your tibook using OS Xs smb mounting capabilities on the tibook, or from the windows machine if you're running samba on the tibook. the other posts are about firewire target disk mode, which basically turns one of the computers, whichever was booted in that mode, into a large firewire disk that can be mounted on the other machine not booted into that mode, but it only works one way. confusing enough? On Jan 13, 2004, at 5:12 AM, Gnarlodious wrote: > Entity Keith Fox spoke thus: > >>>> But plugging the same Ethernet cable into my Cube and it's not even >>>> recognized as being plugged in. The "Ethernet LED" doesn't come on. >>>> >>>> Does this have something to do with autosensing of crossover >>>> cables? In this >>>> little menage a trois will one modern Ethernet card connect with a >>>> straight >>>> cable to a nonautosensing card? Does my Cube have an autosensing >>>> Ethernet >>>> card? What kind of cable do I need to connect 2 Cubes? >>> >>> Powerbook is auto sensing. Cube is not. To connect 2 Cubes, you need >>> a >>> crossover cable. > >> from my should always use a crossover cable or boot >> one up >> in firewire disk mode... > > Huh? >