[CUBE] Permissions

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at mac.com
Sun Jan 18 20:04:31 PST 2004

Entity David Iverson spoke thus:

> If the infobox is notorious, what are the alternatives to managing the
> permissions manually?  Other than some UNIX code exercise, which I am
> willing to do,
In that case, paste this in Terminal:

ls -lR /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ X

You will see a long list of all items in the folder
Here's an example of mine:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 Rachel  Rachel   4092548  3 Jul  2003 Microsoft Entourage

This means I am owner AND Group of the item, if you see other names there
you may consider resetting owner:

chown -R dave:dave /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ X

changing "dave: to whatever seems appropriate. I don't have other users here
so I'm just guessing.

Those letters on the left should be either rwxr-xr-x (for files) or
drwxr-xr-x (for directories). If they're not you can say:

chmod -R 755  /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ X

this sets read/write/executable for all the files in the folder and
subfolders. chmod (change mode) is only available from Terminal.

-- Gnarlie •

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