[CUBE] Cube Modernization

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 31 07:03:52 PST 2004

Entity Stevie spoke thus:

> I'm interested to know, what "Entity Steve" means.
You could be an alien from another planet and the post addresses you
politely. Or you could be a cyborg, I don't care.

> I simply don't understand your expression at all.
Never occurred to me that would happen.
> A question to all: Am I off-topic with my "modernization"-thread and
> my data and questions?
No, most definitely Cube modernization is what this list is for.

I for one have postponed upgrading the processor because my Cube runs off of
a battery and the concern was that increasing speed would increase power
consumption. People do report more waste heat, and heat = power. I was
pleased your power measurements matched mine so closely, I don't know what
equipment you are using but it means the numbers are most accurate.

Now if someone running upgraded processors would post their numbers.
Strange that PowerLogix and Sonnet don't make this data public.

The report yesterday that the 1.2mhz processor doesn't use substantially
more power has inspired me to go for it. I'll take exact measurements when
it's up and running, in a few months.

-- Gnarlie •

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