[CUBE] Disk formatting choices

Riba riba at ml1.net
Mon Jul 19 01:57:57 PDT 2004

On Jul 18, 2004, at 19:14, Ken Johnson wrote:

> I have a new (to me) Titanium powerbook, that came formatted UFS.  The 
> Cube, and my G4-933 are both formatted EFS+.  I'm contemplating 
> re-formatting the Powerbook, but I wonder what the differences are - 
> speed, stability, etc before doing anything.  There is an article on 
> the Apple site, but it's for 10.2.8 and earlier - I'm running 10.3.4.

Reformat it to HFS+, it is what Apple reccommends, besides, there is 
quite a number of applications that will not work if installed on UFS 

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