[CUBE] Alternative mice, wrist conservation

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Sun Jun 6 12:28:09 PDT 2004

> If you are worried about saving your wrist you should look into a 
> graphics tablet. Working with a tablet has almost certainly saved me 
> from surgery to fix my wrists. I work on a computer (doing a lot of 
> graphics work) all day long and my wrists really started to kill me 
> before I converted over to a graphics tablet years ago. I now have a 
> small Wacom tablet on my Cube at home and large tablet at work and 
> find both work well.

Hmm, very interesting, I wonder how this eluded me. I also experienced 
terrible pains so I had to give up on mice...I guess it is time to do 
some research on the tablet market, I;m sure there are cheaper models 
that are meant to replace the input device and not to act as a graphic 
designer's tool :) I remember Graphire...
...and as a bonus I get to use Inkwell :)

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