Op 19-jun-04 om 15:17 heeft Riba het volgende geschreven: > I guess there is no way to tell it is the latest version until you buy > one? Are you referring to the hardware or the software version, > because as far as I know they can be easily upgraded by software. It depends on the hardware version. It is hidden somewhere on the button as last part of the version. I have no linksys here anymore so cannot be more specific. > No problems with clients using airport? I had none whatsoever, worked perfect with my iBook. Anyhow 802.11b/g is fixed protocol, so even Apple has to comply. > And now for something Cube related. Is there a hack to put a 802.11g > card in? Isn't the connector inside the cube basically a cardbus > connector? Shouldn't most wireless carbus cards work, either with > default or third party drivers? Don't know. I have seen Cubes offeren with wireless. Met vriendelijke groeten, Ton van Hest