to upgrade or not to upgrade, that's the question...

Stevie erasmus at
Fri Jun 25 01:40:01 PDT 2004

Hi friends,

still I hesitate to upgrade my dear cube.

Reading owner reviews at xlerate your mac, I like their detailed 
informations about the new speed of their cube. Unfortunately they 
end with older processors (relatively old ones, fastest with 1.0 GHz 
and 744x-proc.).

Since we now have the opportunity to buy motorola 7457-processors 
(with low watt consumption and cooler but faster) from Sonnet, 
Powerlogix and Gigatech, there's a new circle of decisions coming.(?)


(1) Is there interest in the list to get exact informations from 
"pioneers" between us, who bought 1.2 to 1.5 GHz-Procs with 7457-Chip 
or will buy soon?

(2) And are those of you, who are using (or buying) these, willing to 
take some measurements to help the rest of us?

(3) And if they want, which tests would be interesting and could 
become common usage for comparison? (we could perhaps orientate to 

I'm interested looking forward to your answers.


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