[CUBE] OEM G-Force available/Worth it?...

J.C. Webber III jcw at kingoblio.com
Mon Mar 1 20:45:41 PST 2004

George Pepper wrote:
> I'm wondering if any of you who have upgraded your video cards might 
> have an OEM G-Force card laying around [I think it was a BTO option for 
> the Cube, but I'm not sure: I just know some Cubes shipped with the 
> Nvidia's, and they are supposed to be "better" than the rage 128]... 
> And if you'd be willing to part with it, and if it's worth my effort to 
> upgrade to it... Is it enough of an improvement over the standard Rage 
> 128 to be worth the effort?... And, does it have an ADC connector, or 
> will I have to use my ADC/DVI converter?... I REALLY don't want to get 
> into anything that requires a fan, but better video performance 
> wouldn't be a bad deal...

I've got a couple of GF2MX cards with ADC connectors on them.
I compared them with an ATI Radeon card and the Radeon card
beat them out in the Xbench test by just a bit, so I went
with the Radeon card.

I've been hanging on to these GF cards as a backup, but I guess
I could let one of them go for, say $125 plus shipping.

> Finally, what resolutions does the card support?...

Sorry, I don't know, but it drove my 23" Cinema Display.

> Thanks...
> Pep

J.C. Webber III       
Technical Lead, Unix System Administrator
jcw at kingoblio.com       www.kingoblio.com
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