[CUBE] Mandatory Restart - OS-X.2.8

Todd Masco cube-list-local at babayaga.org
Tue Mar 16 08:03:28 PST 2004

Ken wrote:
> I have had this a lot more than twice, and close together.  The only
> new hardware in the system in a HP scanner, but that was there for
> months with no problem.  I'm in the process of removing new software,
> one at a time.

I'd suggest using the hardware diagnostic CD that came with your 
machine.  Unless you're really going over the top with hacks that 
ignore Apple's programming standards, software is rarely the primary 
cause for a kernel panic (though it might tickle a previously 
undetected hardware problem).

My experience with kernel panics under Mac OS X is that more often than 
not, it's a memory issue.  Either a memory board going bad, or needing 
to be reseated.

	-- Todd

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