[CUBE] OSX forgets window resizing... (little OT)

Luis Meleiro luis_meleiro at cilsp.com
Tue Mar 30 07:26:14 PST 2004


Thanks once again for your input/support.

I really don't know if I made myself clear. I've got this terrible barrier called native language. English's not mine :(

In Mac OS 9, each time you click on the upper right corner of a window (set to display its contents in 'view as icons'), and it doesn't matter how many times you open and close this window again... it maintains its size/format and finder position. I guess this was supposed to happen in Mac OS X too. Well for me at least it doesn't. It seems like it really doesn' t matter either if you pre-define it or not, the Finder persists to open the window the way it wants, and not the way you/the user wants.

Is this *issue* just happening to me!?


>>> macubelist at bridgehead.de - 2004/03/30 16:04 PM >>>
Hi LM,

yes, you are right, it is an invisible file. one of many. each and 
every folder that you have looked at has one of those.
"looked" - that means they are not existent until you "open" or look at 
the contents of a folder with the finder. The finder looks if the file 
exists, and tries to read the settings. If it succeeds, the folder is 
displayed the way you set it. If there is no file, or if the file is 
corrupt, the finder displays the folder in it's default setting.

So this file has no importance to the underlying unix-system. It is 
more like a preference file for the finder. If you delete it, more or 
less nothing happens. It will be created as soon as you open the folder 
with the finder again.

Your way of deleting the file would be ok, I guess. But you need to 
trash the one thats causing the problem, and it will be tedious to find 
it. I do respect peoples' fear of terminal or any similar philosophy. 
But I am happily using the terminal, so I would just "cd" into the 
folder, and "rm .DS_Store" the file. basta.

> And once this issue is happening to every finder window I open (no 
> specific order or nature), my question is... which ".DS_Store" to 
> delete!?
Well, of course the one thats inside the directory that doesn't display 
like it should.



Am 30.03.2004 um 15:05 schrieb Luis Meleiro:

> Wolf,
> I really appreciate your support but, as far as I understand, this is 
> supposed to be an invisible file (once it starts by a single dot), 
> ".DS_Store". Can I just simply use the cmd+f (including visible and 
> invisible files option) and drag it to the trash, and then try to 
> restore the preferences for the 'Finder.app' itself!? Or is this 
> procedure going to be somehow harmful for the Operating System!?
> Sorry but I don't feel that comfortable messing around with the 
> 'Terminal.app' :(
> Thanks in advance,
> LM
>>>> macubelist at bridgehead.de - 2004/03/30 10:35 AM >>>
> Hi,
> the settings are stored in the .DS_Store file in the directory/folder
> itself. Maybe it's corrupt or the write permission is wrong.
> I'd try to close the windows displaying the folder, open terminal,
> change into the folder and delete the .DS_Store file.
> Then open the folder and set it up the way you want.
> Cheers
> Wolf

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