[CUBE] I need sound!

Alex M alexmay at lineone.net
Fri May 21 14:57:23 PDT 2004

Hey thanks for all your help,

I've had a look and I think I'll go the whole hog and get an 8in/8out
firewire audio interface by Edirol (Roland). The FA-101 is very good value.
It's only for OS 10.3.3 so no swapping back to 9! It uses the OS X core
audio drivers.

I hope I can pipe my itunes and system sounds etc through it!

Hopefull when I install my Powerlogix upgrade I shouldn't need to go back to

I thought that it might be best to get a multi-input thing rather than
spending the odd bit of cash going for a small usb thing.

I have heard the m-audio stuff it rock solid - I've got one of their
USB-MIDI boxes and it's great!


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