[Cube] old vs new 23" ACD's

George Pepper pep27 at mac.com
Mon Sep 20 18:15:05 PDT 2004

 Things that make you go "Hmmm."

I use the Apple DVI to ADC converter on my Xserve because I added a Radeon 8500 Pro Mac Edition graphics card to it.  One of those new 30" monitors would work perfectly on it (Probably need a firmware zap to recognize the 30's resolution).

Hmmmmm. ;^)


On Sunday, September 19, 2004, at 12:02PM, Ishan Bhattacharya <ishan at sbinet.com> wrote:

>I use the new 23 inch ACD x2 attached to two separate cubes. Apple has
>dropped the ADC connector, but ADC to DVI adapters are available from Apple
>and Belkin, among others; one might have come with my original Cubes, but I
>know they are included with the new G5 2.5s.
>I never used the old 23 inch ACD because I didn't like all that plastic and
>it's limited adjustability, as well as the fact that it physically  (seems
>anyway) to take up more space. The new ones are absolutely beautiful
>displays. However, there have been many complaints of the new 23 inch ACDs
>having less than even backlighting, particularly on the sides as well as a
>pink tint (which most people can easily fix with calibrating the monitor).
>You may want to look at Apple's discussion boards or those on MacNN or
>appleinsider for more details, but if at all possible, check out your
>display before you buy it.
>In fact, Amazon will no longer replace new 23 inch ACDs; they will only
>refund your money. That's not a good sign. I suspect that only a very small
>minority of users are affected by the new 23 inch ACD problems, but they are
>a vocal minority and when you're spending this kind of money of a display,
>they should be. HP makes equally gorgeous 23 inch displays and they have
>connectors for TV inputs which are lacking in the Apple product, so you may
>want to look at HP as well. Samsung also makes a very nice 23 inch LCD.
>Probably more then you wanted to know...
>Ishan Bhattacharya, MD
>On 9/19/04 1:39 PM, "jmv" <mentholiptus at mac.com> wrote:
>> I'm on the verge of buying a 23" monitor for my Cube (w/OEM radeon
>> 7500) as opposed to buying the new iMac G5.
>> Does anyone here use a 23" Apple LCD with their cube, and would you
>> like to offer up opinions on your display?
>> Also, does anyone use both the new and old 23" models, or have you used
>> them both, and can you offer opinions on their differences?
>> Thanks!
>> jesse
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