[Cube] Over 120GB HD on Cube?

Leif Joel Örell lejo at mac.com
Wed Aug 10 01:04:07 PDT 2005

The first partition (that also have to be the boot-partition) has to  
be less than 127.99 GB since thats what the bus can handle without  
the patch and the the patch only goes into effect after booting.

9 aug 2005 kl. 22.36 skrev David Grant:

> I think there are 2 points of confusion
> 1. In Europe a comma is often  used in places where in the US a  
> period would be used
> 298,1 GB == 298.1 GB
> 2. The original post used a > when a < was probably intended
> The restrictions is that you have to have the first partition >  
> 127,99 GB
> probably was intended to be
> The restrictions is that you have to have the first partition <  
> 127,99 GB
> or in US-speak
> The restrictions is that you have to have the first partition <  
> 127.99 GB
> Hope I got these right  :-)
> DG

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