[Cube] Cube shutting down

Ken Johnson kr-johnson at comcast.net
Thu Aug 18 18:53:57 PDT 2005

My Cube shuts down, without any intervention from me.  Thinking that it 
is a heat related problem, I installed a small utility called 
"Temperature Monitor" which, I believe, tracks the temp of the SMART 
hard drive.  At startup, around 75F, after running a while 99F, and 
after lots of activity, more than 100F.

My Cube has a 1.3 GHz Gigadesign processor and an NVidia GeForce 2 
video card (so more heat than stock) and uses a small 12-v fan (blue 
led model) for cooling.  It's been running that hardware since May, and 
the shutdowns have only just started to occur (no other changes beyond 

Any ideas?


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