My wife's Cube is a 450 With an upgraded video card. I installed iWork on it and it seems okay. Not quite as fast as a new mini (lol) but doable. Gary On 2/1/05 9:46 AM, "cube-request at" <cube-request at> wrote: > From: csearles at (Chris Searles) > Subject: [Cube] iWork on 450 MHz Cube > To: "A place to discuss Apple's Cube." > <cube at> > Message-ID: <a9ac7512ea499a074172f01f331d31d5 at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed > > > In the specs for iWork it states a minimum requirement of a 500 MHz Mac > or faster. Does anyone think that the 450 MHz version of the Cube will > have many issues using this app?