[Cube] Powerbutton problem?

Ton van Hest tonvanhest at zonnet.nl
Sat Feb 5 07:22:37 PST 2005


That is very interesting! Although my cube did not have any problems 
until I had to replace the videocard, it might be similar.

Was there a visible misplacement? In my case it looks fine. I suppose 
one has to unscrew those little 2 visible screws whereby the whole 
metal comes loose?

I really hope this might be my problem since I have been banging my 
head against the wall lately.


Op 5-feb-05 om 15:26 heeft David Lambourn het volgende geschreven:

>  When I removed the Studio Display I could not get the Cube to start, 
> unless I removed the core.  The fault was that there is a black washer 
> about 25mm dia combined with a white disc, and this combined object 
> had become misplace

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Ton van Hest

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