[Cube] OS X.3 vs. OS X.2?

George Pepper pep27 at mac.com
Wed Jun 29 00:48:10 PDT 2005


Had to highlight them all before it would work, unlike 10.2, but I managed it.

Why are Apple's upgrades so inconsistent?  They fix a few things, but send others back into Bizarro World or the Phantom Zone or something (Superman fan. Sorry). Inexplicable.

Seriously, I'd have been happy with less graphical upgrades if stuff still worked well that worked well before.  Why do my screen shots have to wind up in unintended file folders now?  That was fine before.  I mean, Safari is much better, but why does it have to be a tradeoff with worse functionality in other routine tasks?

Why is it a requirement that all operating systems have to suck in one way or another?  Why do they have to wreck some things to fix others?  I just don't get it.


On Tuesday, June 28, 2005, at 02:59PM, Sean Terrill <a10t2 at mac.com> wrote:

>Quoth George Pepper (pep27 at mac.com) at 28/06/2005 03:16:
>> 1]  No "W" page icons on .doc files and they default to open up with TextEdit.
>> Weird.
>Try setting the application as Word in Get Info, then click Apply to All or
>something similar. (I don't have a Mac in front of me at the moment.)
>Sean Terrill
>a10t2 at mac.com
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