[Cube] What Causes Kernel Panics?

George Pepper pep27 at mac.com
Thu Jun 30 16:32:54 PDT 2005

Two things:

First, my Cube has ben freaking out with increasing frequency lately.  The "Decending Gray Curtain of Death".  I'm thinking I have a bad memory chip or something.  Used to be under OS 10.0 it would panic about once a year, under OS 10.1 about every nine months, 10.2 every three, and now it loses it once every few days.  I lost a blog post I had worked on for about three hours last night and nearly slit my wrists ( http://hucbald.blogspot.com/ ).  So, it's become bad enough that I'm ready to tear into the core and suss out the issue.  Do I remember correctly?  Is a bad memory chip the usual suspect?  I have 1x64 chip the Cube came with, and additional 128, and a 256.

Second thing is, I just noticed the fan died on my GF3.  How much of a PITA is that to fix, and where can I get a replacement fan?  I have a GF2 sitting around, but I don't think it has the firmware update to run my 23" Cinema HD display, and I don't have my old 15" Studio TFT anymore, so I don't think there's even any way for me to update it even if I install it (I KNEW I should have kept that display!). Grrrr.


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