[Cube] help with protection of surges

Dan Oetting dan_oetting at qwest.net
Mon Oct 10 18:24:12 PDT 2005

On Oct 5, 2005, at 7:24 PM, Lacorona at aol.com wrote:

> Second  question: I had good surge protectors on all equipment.  
> Ought i replace them now?

Having surge protectors on just the power lines isn't going to offer  
much protection.  It sounds like what got you was a surge that got  
into your inside power wires and found it's way to ground through the  
TV cable. Your computer, TV and cable modem just happened to be in  
the way.

> 3. Is there  any extra strong kind of surge protector i ought know  
> about

The one I recommend is a wireless network.

Electricity doesn't just go in, it has to come out too. A surge  
protector works by providing an easy path to ground before it goes  
into your computer. But if there is another path to ground that  
connects to your computer (such as a network or phone line) a power  
line surge can go thorough your computer to that other ground instead.

-- Dan Oetting

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