Thanks for your help, AJ I'll try my best to explain all this, but I don't always know the right terms. I'm only a sub-editor (yes I know much less excuse for the 'cos'), and don't always know computer-speak. The USB modem: I don't normally use this at all, I just got it out when the router connection failed. So I don't use it with the router, I use the router both to network the two computers and to access the internet, with its own direct connection to the phone line. With the router, I had it connected to the phone line, and by ethernet cable to the Cube. Then I accessed the internet (and the Cube) from the iBook via the Airport card. So with the router at the moment, I can get the machines to talk to each other but no access from either machine to the internet. For tonight, my colleague Thomas has kindly taken the router home with him to run the utility. I'm not sure if he'll try to set up the internet connection to test it as well, but should hopefully know tomorrow. I have tried resetting the router, and reconfiguring it, and have checked all my settings. I've tested the phone cable that was fine. When I rang the support line they had me press a button for 30 seconds which resulted in 2 flashing lights, and the guy on the phone said: 'ah, yes it needs the recovery utility'. So I hope this one may be the exception that proves your rule. Thanks for your time HL