It's a standardized form factor across all IDE drives since the mid-90s (maybe even earlier). The boxes are all the same exterior dimensions and the screw mount positions are identical as well. I've pulled out drives from Cubes and put them into enclosures and pulled out drives from PCs and put them in Cubes. If the OWC enclosure is for a 3.5" drive, it'll work... Cheers, Erik Le 26 sept. 05 à 00:51, George Pepper a écrit : > I was looking at the OWC models, and as I looked at the > installation instructions, it does not appear that the Cube's drive > will fit. I may be looking at the pictures wrong, but the Cube's > drive is 6"x4"x1", and the enclosures all look like only a 4"x4"x1" > drive will fit in them. So, what I would like to know is, has > anyone ever put a Cube's drive in an external enclosure? I don't > want to get something that's not going to work.