[Cube] How much force can I use to pull my Cube apart?

Jim Norman jimoctec at mac.com
Wed Feb 15 16:26:39 PST 2006


Not too long ago I replaced the DVD-ROM drive with a CD-RW drive in my Cube; unfortunately it proved to be a dud.  I am now in a position that the chassis is stuck within the case so I can't replace the optical drive.

I followed the advice on CubeOwner's FAQ and have tried using a thin knife to push either the AirPort bracket or AirPort antenna wire back into the chassis to no avail.  The chassis will move about 4-5mm but stays stubbornly stuck.  I'm guessing that it is the antenna wire that has come out and curled underneath the chassis, but I don't know.

Now the system has come up with an error and I cannot get the Cube to boot from the external Firewire CD drive, so I'm back in Dell-hell.

How much force can I use to pull the chassis out of the case?

Failing that I might have to consider sacrificing the case so I'd appreciate any helpful suggestions.



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