I ordered my 450MHZ cube 7/24/2000 just as they went on sale from Apple (shipped 8/17/2000: SN XA0330A7JAT), and it's been great -- been used everyday. (The only upgrades have been to add 512 RAM and a bit bigger Maxtor hard drive, and of course OSX) It has the original RAGE 128 pro card w/16MB. But two days ago my 15 inch Apple Studio Display went black (Fry's 9/1/2000: "Family number M2454", part M7928ZM/A, CY0294ZNJPC) I can see, using a flash light, that the cube seems to be sending signals fine, but the screen is dark. Is there something wrong with the Mac, or the power supply, or is it the Display? The buttons on the display still work fine (e.g. the on and off, and the one on the left that boots the screen adjustment panel). I spent lot$ for this a long time ago. I see something about a "backlight" problem with the 17 inch version. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=221017&tstart=0 http://homepage.mac.com/wysz/Studio_Display/ Will Fry's fix this for a reasonable price or should I start over with a new display and a faster MAC? Dennis