[Cube] Moving from Panther to Tiger?

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Wed Nov 22 10:51:05 PST 2006

Running 10.4.8 on an upgraded Sonnet 1.2GHz. Upgraded video, RAM & 
HD. All upgrades done 3+ years ago. All major pro apps current and 
upgraded. Final Cut 5, Studio Pro 4 etc. No problems.
Quick footnote, bought the last 20" iMac 2.1GHz PPC (iSight model) 
with the thought I would sell my Cube. Nope. The Cube is the ONLY Mac 
I haven't been able to part with. (15+) Tough to sell art you love.
So... I have two desktops and they both have their respective uses. 
The 1.67GHZ AI PB still gets most of the daily work. Won't bore you 
with any more details but me gorgeous, Cube (TesserAct) - she stays.

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