[Cube] DVI to ADC adapters question...

Riba riba at ml1.net
Sat Apr 7 01:42:43 PDT 2007

On Apr 6, 2007, at 19:46, George Pepper wrote:

> I can confirm that the A1006 will run an ADC 23" Cinema HD  
> Display.  I use it now to run mine from a Mini.  The monitor's  
> power button is no longer functional, of course, but the USB ports  
> are.
> Does the DVIator have a USB connector for the monitor?  That would  
> seem to be the most important question there.

Yes it does, functionally it should be the same as Apple's converter.

> The only thing I can think about the different numbers is that the  
> M8661LL/B may be a newer model with some improved features.  Mine  
> is several years old, and there was only one model when I got mine.

Thanks, I believe you are right.

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