[Cube] Thinking about a upgrade

Riba riba at ml1.net
Sun Feb 4 10:19:42 PST 2007

On 2007.02.04, at 18:38, Kim David McNeill Simmons wrote:

> My Cube's CPU is a stock 450mhz. I have had very poor luck with  
> upgrading cpu's ever since they became available for Mac's. After a  
> while it has become more of a reality check. Yes we can upgrade,  
> but should

I can't agree more. I ahve bought a number of CPU upgrade in the  
past, mostly were not for me. I'd say that  at least 1/4 of them  
arrived broken (!). It was either non-working level 3 cache, or one  
of the provessors not working on a dual-CPU upgrade. Not to mention  
the Powerlogix incident with sleep which is just not acceptable for me.

> we? The system bus is still going to be what it is so no matter how  
> fast we upgrade the CPU to be we are still trying to channel all  
> that speed thru the slower buss.

Bus is not that much of a problem for a regular day to day usage. I'm  
not doing any operations that are affected by a slower bus speed.

> 	Long term, it is far better to buy a new or refurbished computer  
> when we need the speed. We do not need speed for word processing,  
> internet or email, so keeping my Cube's CPU stock makes sense, at  
> least for me.

Of course, if one uses pure reason, it always is. But then again, if  
we did that we wouldn't own a Cube in the first place, right? :)

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