[Cube] video riser?

Richard Clark thejunkmonger at gmail.com
Thu May 3 09:34:27 PDT 2007

the green plastic clip goes on the agp slot for the video card it  
does nothing and can be left without, as far as I know the later  
cubes did not even have it.

On May 2, 2007, at 3:18 AM, gladys pérez-almiroty wrote:

> hi:
> my cube 450 mgz,  1.25 gb ram and 120 hd has been showing problems.  
> it boots, but then turns itself off at different lengths of time. a  
> while back i was told to check  and see if the video card was  
> lose.  i am having eye problems, insert long, sad story here- and  
> today finally i was able to open the cube.
> i  am broken hearted: a green plastic part fell off. i  believe it  
> is the connector on the video riser card. i was looking at the  
> service manual, but have been unable to find a better way to  
> explain what it is. in the service manual, on  page 40,  second  
> illustration, the plastic cover that surrounds the video riser card  
> looks brown. mine is green.
> my question is this: besides the video riser card, should i look  
> into something else, considering what happened?
> thanks for all and any help,
> gladys

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