[Cube] question

Luis Meleiro luis_meleiro at cilsp.com
Tue Oct 23 08:43:03 PDT 2007

Gary's right. The Pro Speakers delivered with the first flat iMacs will
not connect to the Cube due to the lack of a audio-in port in the Cube.
The crystal speakers in the Cube system were/are USB based. 
Griffin is a good place to look for a compatible gadget though... 

>>>gheartsfield at mac.com 10/23/07 3:37 pm >>>
Sorry I do not think the speakers can be used without a device from 
Griffin Technology It enables the mac pro speakers to be used with 
fire wire.

The flat screen imac speakers used a special connector. Check out the 
Griffin site.  ( think it was called IFIRE )

Gary H 

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