[Cube] Upgrade paths?

George Paterson geordiep at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 03:41:59 PDT 2007

On 26 Oct 2007, at 11:03, Stefan wrote:

>> On 25 Oct 2007, at 23:28, Rob In der Maur wrote:
>>> I've got a Sonnet 1.2 Ghz upgrade running flawlessly for over 2  
>>> years in my Cube.
>>> cheers
>>> Rob
>> I've had the same 1.2 running with a flashed Radeon 7000 for 3  
>> years and no probs.
>> Geordie
> Hi Geordie,
> does the Radeon 7000 need an extra fan? (or is the large one - of  
> the Sonnet - in the bottom of the cube enough or do you need a  
> small one on the graphic card?)

The only fan I have is the one suppplied with the CPU upgrade.

The card I got was a half-height one, no fans on it. But as a  
precaution I did put some extra heatsinks
on the chips of the card like in the link below:


As stated before, running without a hitch, sleeps no problem. I even  
experimented with overclocking
it using ATIccelerator II (http://thomas.perrier.name/). Just for the  
sake of it I underclocked it also to
see if running cooler would help but didn't make much difference.  
After failing miserably to break it I
eventually restored the card to original clock speeds!


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