[Cube] New Apple keyboards work with Cube

Ted Dixon teddixon at mac.com
Tue Sep 11 21:37:21 PDT 2007

I installed the new USB keyboard today, replacing the original G4 Cube (450)
keyboard. While I have not organized a comprehensive test as yet, using it
casually for two hours was rather uneventful.

There is an Apple keyboard software update available that presumably
activates the new hardware function keys

The touch/feel is very different (better) and the riser on the front edge
of the keyboard is less severe and not adjustable, causing the keyboard to
sit flatter on the desktop.

So far, so good.


On 9/7/07 3:37 PM, "Rob In der Maur" <ridmaur at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Anyone have tested out the new Apple keyboards to work with the Cube?
> Cheers.
> Rob
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