[Cube] upgrade

Peter Wigglesworth pw at tr3a.co.uk
Fri Jan 9 11:34:34 PST 2009

Hi everyone
My sentiments are with Frederick - Do the Ram max, it improved my stock 
450 cube in one leap.

OWC I have used to ship to me in England (pre credit crunch and the 
English currency melting).  They were V quick and V helpful .

Peter W - England

Frederick Manter wrote:
> My strong advice is to stay with the stock cube. Why open a can of 
> worms and spend lots of dough for the sake of a few fractions of a 
> second. I did lots of heavy PhotoShop for years on one. Main 
> improvement to do is to max out the RAM before anything else.
> Good Luck !
> F'k
> On 9-Jan-09, at 11:42 AM, Vic Mabus wrote:
>> I've recently acquired a Cube (woohoo!) and would like to upgrade the 
>> processor.  The only place I've found is OWC, but they have only a 
>> couple choices.  Any suggestions for other places to buy (new or used)?
>> Thanx,
>> V Mabus
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