[Cube] How to make the Cube a multimedia server

Stefan no-spam at punkt-x.de
Fri Mar 20 08:35:59 PDT 2009

Hello George again :-)

>I don't think I'd get another Mini.  If I want 
>the 30 for my living room, I'll just pick up 
>another G5.  Sure, it has fans, but they are so 
>quiet that I don't hear them at all unless I 
>bend down to listen closely.  Still, it's not a 
>Cube.  :-D

This is an absolutely impossible idea to me, to let a G5 run for private fun.

OK, I'm german and germany invented the so-called 
"idealism", means that ideas are important to 
lead you in life (that's a very liberal 
translation by the time :-)

I know that americans don't have to pay for 
electricty as we have to. But money shouldn't be 
the point.

Besides that I think world climate change is 
reality and everyone should try to participate in 
preventing it. To drive a 250 Watt machine just 
for fun is un-ethically in my eyes (please read 
in "my" eyes!), whereas the inhabitants of the 
beautiful islands of Maledives for example have 
to search a new homeland, because of the rise of 
the oceans. Or millions of africans who wan't 
have food and water in the future.
(Not to forget the perhaps 150-200 Watt more for the 30")

Conservation of the earth is no private hobby. 
I'm quite old already, but I'm sure our children 
and grandchild will darn us every day of their 
lifeŠ Future begins today

The Mac mini is my personal answer. Not the best, but a first step

With all due respect


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