Hello,<br><br>I saw this on today's Cube Digest: <br><br>1. Cube for sale (Melvin Reisz/Summerwind Jewelers) this on the <br><br>I also have a Cube+15.1" TFT LCD Sudio Display for sale. How do I insert my item for sale into the Cube Digest?
<br><br>Thank you,<br><br>Nik Recob<br>Atlanta<br>==================================================<br>What I'd like to insert:<br><br>I also have a Cube+15.1" TFT LCD Sudio Display for sale. Both pieces in EXCELLENT condition. Best Offer Takes it! In Atlanta around Emory. For even more info on it. look here:
<br><br><a href="http://atlanta.craigslist.org/sys/320120815.html">http://atlanta.craigslist.org/sys/320120815.html</a><br><br>Nik<br>(<a href="mailto:NRecob@gmail.com">NRecob@gmail.com</a>)<br>