[Duo2400] Re: Choice between Duo 2300c and 2400c

Marcelus G. Zalotti magiozal at bol.com.br
Fri Dec 6 19:02:52 PST 2002

on 12/6/02 7:31 PM, Majid Charania at mcharania84 at rogers.com wrote:

> Go for a 2400c, you will not regret it.  The overall system speed makes
> surfing the Net over any bandwith noticeably faster than a 2300c, and the
> graphics chipset on the 2400c is light-years ahead of that on the 2300c.

And G3-upgraded 2400s runs Mac OS X, doesn't it?

site <http://magiozal.blogspot.com/>

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