2400c wireless survey: what works?

ELN/rlf9 rlf9 at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 8 07:32:50 PST 2002

>From: "Edward Nilges" <nilges at hotpop.com>
>Subject: [Duo2400] 2400c wireless survey: what works?
>Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 13:41:18 -0600
>I know some people have run into trouble with this, so before I go shopping
>for a new wireless card I'd like to take a survey of what does work. Please
>the name of your card
>relevant upgrades to your machine, especially Cardbus
>your OS
>which driver, Airport or 3rd party
>any tricks needed to make it work
>Here's my story in case anyone can offer assistance or general
>I have a WaveLAN Silver out of an old Airport, whose functionality I haven't
>yet been able to verify on another machine. My 2400c is not Cardbus enabled
>as far as I know. I'm running OS 9.1. The card worked beautifully for a
>couple of days with the Orinoco drivers that happened to be left on the hard
>drive by the previous owner, then its data transmission seemed to grind to a
>halt, but the signal strength showed up fine.
>I then performed a clean install of 9.1, and used Tomeviewer to extract the
>Airport files according to the instructions at
>http://www.wwc.edu/~frohro/Airport/Airport12OS86.html It worked very
>briefly, and then not at all. One light would go on when I inserted the
>card, but then when I turned it on via the control strip, both lights would
>blink a couple times and then go out.
>Finally I installed the latest Orinoco drivers from ftp.orinocowireless.com
>which picked up a signal only once and now not at all.
>So I'm starting to suspect the card itself.
I have used WaveLAN silvers in 2400c's running 8.6 with the appropriate 
Airport extension set manually installed with no probs. Are you sure 
you're using them all? Are your results identical for both pc slots? 
(Mine weren't.) Are you using a Graphite base station that has a history 
of working okay? Have you tried reconfiguring the base station from 
scratch using a crossover cable? A badly set up Airport is often the 

Try the "Airport Base Station Configurator" and read through all the 
material at <http://edge.mcs.drexel.edu/GICL/people/sevy/airport/> before 
throwing in the towel. Good luck.

Bob F

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