Hi, I had the same problem using Drive Setup 1.7.3 to initialize a duo 230. The problem went away when i used Apple's HD SC setup 7.3.5 to initialize. According to the drive setup patch guide located at http://www.macfaq.de/macfaqdaten/minifaqs/dspg.html "There is a problem with Drive Setup 1.6.2 and up when formatting/ updating hard disks on 68030 Macs (specifically: IIci, Duo230); after a restart the drive does not mount. In all cases the drive could be reinitilized with Drive Setup 1.6.1 or earlier w/o that problem. Localization does not seem to matter." hth, stephen kenda > Recently one of my Duo 230s died. When I was trying to network it (via printer port) with another 230 it started up, showed the Happy Mac, blinked and showed the Floppy icon with an 'X', no system folder found. I put it into the DuoDock, which has a 250mb HD, and tried to mount it with Drive Setup 1.7.3 which says: "The large volume connected to your computer cannot be used because a 68040 or PowerPC CPU is required for volume sizes larger than 4 gigabytes." It has a 770mb HD. If I format the drive the format lasts only when the Dock is on. Shutdown, restart and the Duo's HD is missing again. It was working fine for a few months. Any ideas? Can it be fixed? <