GLOD it seems on my 2400

Bon Davis bon at
Tue Apr 1 10:01:05 PST 2003

oh dear, my 2400c finally got the GLOD
I had been having troubles getting it to wake from sleep and random 
hangs on shut down.

After leaving it on , with the powersupply , overnight ( a short 
night) to index with sherlock it did not start after shut down.

I tried the two different PM resets from Sidney Ho's page at Mac2400 site.

no luck, no startup green light comes back and stays steady.

This is a stock 2400 in very nice shape with 80 mb ram and a 10gb 
toshiba drive (from ti-book).
i don't have a g3 in it. but i do have a 2nd battery and a nice 
wireless card and a dockking staiton for it

DTT , Brian, says he is 99% sure it is the I/O board. I assume this 
is the same power I/O board others have had replaced. He says $150 
and i should be up and running.
If i had a G3 upgrade to install now would certainly be the time to add one.

Anyone got any G3 upgrades , or any other fixes i can attempt?

It seems to me that if i were to get another of these $300 2400's 
from ebay or this list that i would be getting the same old powerI/O 
board and not a new one.

ANy thoughts on the viability of this old 2400?

====    Bon V. Davis II  =  bon at =========

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