[Duo2400] Re: how to store 2400c LiON battery for long term

Brian Getz briang113 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 09:31:42 PDT 2003

If you are going to store it (which I don't
recommend), Store it. If you take it out and use it
then put it back into storage you will decrease the
life each time. The 2 year storage is based on the
general physics of the LI-ion. The numbers are not set
in stone your results will vary, a lot of factors come
into play, age of the battery, amount of usage, amount
of capacity still left etc. Remember that like all
batteries these also have a finite number of recharges
before the don't take a charge anymore.

If you don't need or use battery power that much you
don't need a spare. I say sell it someone who can use

--- Jake Luck <comet at 10k.org> wrote:
> So to maintain the maximum non-recoverable capacity.
> Does that mean it is
> best to leave the battery slight charged in the
> fridge, and take it out
> for a full charge and discharge every 3 month or so?
> jake

Brian Getz
Personal Email briang113 at yahoo .com

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