2400 pc card slot issue

Brian Getz briang113 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 7 11:43:16 PDT 2003

Well. here is something interesting, all of the sudden
my bottom card slot is non-functional.

It seems like it is not getting any power, cards don't
work when inserted(the same ones work in the top slot)
and the eject button won't work. They must be manually
removed via the trusty bent paper clip.

Does anybody know is it possible for the controller
assembly to go bad for one slot only, or is it more
likely the cage itself. Why only one slot??

Any thoughts, this is not a disaster but definetly an

Oh yeah I also opened up the 2400 and double, triple
checked the connections on the controller, removed and
reseated both ends of the ribbon cable. I even did the
complete disassembly to look at the cage but there is
no visable damamge ar loose connections.

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